Home Deerfield Beach Blotter SOUTH FLORIDA JEWS ON HIGH ALERT!



IMG_0907Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-South Florida Synogogues have been approached by potential dry run terrorists or by some strange question seekers.Reports from North Miami Beach and Hollywood have both Police and FBI concerned and investigating.
Apparently People dressed in traditional Muslim apparel some reported to be carrying ” The Quran” asked some very strange questions about the synagogues and the time of their services and the busiest times at The Synogogues.
Deerfield-News.com has covered this topic of Synogogue safety in the past and found that in Boca Raton for example Temple Bnai Israel,has both armed guards and Boca Raton Police on Special Detail around the clock.While deerfield beach that has three Synogogues in the span of a hundred yards has none.
The synogogues in Deerfield are primarily attended by senior citizens,not to say that there are no Families or children.
In contacting BSO, BSO informed Deerfield-News.com that BSO offers special Details and sent us the info to contact the
Special Detail Department to find about the fees.Why are Deerfield Beach Jewish leaders hesitating from utilizing BSO special Details.