Home Business Blog Readers contact Deerfield -News.com about SUPER MOON HIGH TIDE Beach Road...

Blog Readers contact Deerfield -News.com about SUPER MOON HIGH TIDE Beach Road Flooding!



Pier Deerfield beach  12-5-2014

Deerfield-News.com- Deerfield Beach,Fl-Readers contacted us this Am saying Deerfield Beach was flooded due to Super Moon- high tide.When we arrived their was no evidence of any road flooding just tourists and residents enjoying Deerfield Beach and all businesses open.I stopped and talked with a few people one of which is a guest at The Wyndham Hotel on Derfield Beach,he said he saw no flooding.The next person I spoke with said Hillsboro Beach had experienced flooding up to AIA making it difficult to leav certain condos and travel on A1A flooding up to AIA. If anyone has pictures of the supposed flooding from this AM Please send to [email protected].