Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Deerfield News recieves additional State Statutes on Window tinting from BSO Media...

Deerfield News recieves additional State Statutes on Window tinting from BSO Media Relations


BSO Craigslist

Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl as we continue to find out more about why certain Deerfield Beach residents,from certain parts of the city are being stopped for Violating for Window Tinting Laws we wanted to see the Statutes. Deerfield-News.com will be posting much more on this ongoing story of why Deputies have been and are stopping people of Color,Black Deerfield Residents only from certain neighborhoods/sections of our City for window tinting Statute while not stopping white or other drivers in anywhere near same proportions????

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: Window Tinting
From: Media Relations
Date: Wed, September 09, 2015 1:54 pm
To: “‘[email protected]'”

Yes. I’ve copied the statute below.

Keyla Concepción/PIO
BSO Public Information Office
954-831-8300 Office
954-797-0927 Fax
[email protected]