Home Uncategorized Deerfield Beach Westside Gas Prices Are UP!

Deerfield Beach Westside Gas Prices Are UP!


GAS 3-22-2015 7-11

Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-From the record low, low prices of just a few weeks ago. Gasoline in Deerfield Beach is now about 2.49 per gallon with 7-11 on Powerline And Green Road posting the lowest today in Deerfield Beach at 2.45 per gallon.
From the Chevron Mobil and Exxon just west of I-95 to all three stations at Powerline and Hillsboro as well as the Station/Car Wash at Powerline and Tenth no one on the westside is as low as 7-11 on Green and Powerline.