Home Uncategorized Throwback Thursday When Century Village Politicians Wielded National Politcal Power

Throwback Thursday When Century Village Politicians Wielded National Politcal Power



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Century Village East was the second of four Century Villages.When it was built in the 70s CVE had
8500 Condo units with over 15000 residents. No one in Deerfield Beach thought or expected that CVE in Deerfield Beach would generate such powerful politicians,who would become a powerful influence in national politics. Back in the day first there were City Commissioners Ben Budd and Joe Trachtenberg,the first CVE Commisioners elected to Deerfield Beach City Commission.This was the time of such colorful Broward County politicians like Mayor Lomelo of Sunrise who was a regular at Deerfield Beach Democratic club meetings.

There was nobody from CVE who wielded more politcal power than Amadeo “Trinchi” Trinchitella.The powers that were in Broward County democratic politics used to refer to Congressman Robert Wexler as Trinchis congressman.Commisioner Trinchitella had connections directly to the White House.The Clintons appeared in CVE at Trinchis request. The most popular politician to ever come from CVE and the people loved TRINCHI.At this time CVE wielded enough votes to control city politics.As the City of Deerfield Beach has annexed and grown the CVE influence is slightly less than it once was.