Home Business Deerfield Beach Shopping Center Sells for 11.7 Million

Deerfield Beach Shopping Center Sells for 11.7 Million


3551 West hillsboro3555 W hillsbor

Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-The shopping center next to Target Superstore,that houses Petco and Hobby Lobby on the NorthEast corner of Powerline and Hillsboro Boulevard according to Broward County public records has sold for 11.7 Million.The physical address is 3551-3555 West Hillsboro Boulevard.This new building has replaced the original which was part of a strip center that housed Kmart and a lot of small businesses from  Vallettas pizzeria to bagel shops and more back in the 80’s thru the early 2000’s.

The new owner is 3551-3555 W Hillsboro LLC the seller was NLA UG Deerfield LLC.

Originally the only 2 things on that entire corner were the original 4 Points Market now on 441 in Coconut Creek, and the old Deer Creek Bank on Hillsboro at the east side of the original shopping center.