Home Uncategorized Deerfield Hoa’s and Condo Associations get the lights out!

Deerfield Hoa’s and Condo Associations get the lights out!


CVE CLCVE CL14Deer creek CLIndy bay 14

Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,FL-Deerfield-News.com has received a couple photos from the west part of Deerfield Beach  from a reader.(Thanks Mr H Barton) The other photos we were able to take in the early morning hours without interfering with traffic or putting ourselves in harms way of traffic.

Deerfields Condos and HOAs are getting the lights out promoting that Christmas feeling. As we drove on the westside of the city it was easy to spot CVE and Deer Creeks Christmas lights,as well as Independence Bays beautiful light display.We know it is still a little early so we ask that our readers  continue to send us photos of their favorite Christmas light displays in the City of Deerfield Beach.

Below is a photo of JM Enterprises South East Toyota and their gorgeous display just west of I95 on Hillsboro Blvd in front of The Southeast Toyota  main campus.As always JM Enterprises does a great job and always shows the community of Deerfield Beach their spirit.

Please forward any holiday light pictures to [email protected]
