Home Uncategorized Century Village Golf Course may be contaminated with Arsenic

Century Village Golf Course may be contaminated with Arsenic


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach Fl, Century Villages Golf course
formerly known as Hillsboro Pines appears to be contaminated with Arsenic. Sources tell Deerfield-News.com that the on again off again sale of the golf course to CVE Master Management has apparently taken a turn. Arsenic contamination throws a curveball into this already contentious situation ,where golf course owner  Randy Bast bought the course from CVE for $2.9 million Dollars in 2006 and wants to develop either a cemetery or shopping center or new townhomes ….many South Florida golf courses have been hit hard by the lackluster economy forcing many to close,usually creating a new phenomena in the Real Estate market in South Florida “Golf Course Real Estate”.

Apparently remediation to  remove the contamination would cost more than the land is worth,and Condo owners have threatened to  sue if the contamination has leached onto their property.The almost 89 acre tract of land runs through Century Village and is landlocked within the Condo complex .Building after building that adjoin the golf course could be potential litigants if the course is tainted with arsenic.The golf course like the CVE Condo Community was built in the mid 70’s and until the recession of 2008 was a profitable venture had several operators over the years, a pro shop and  restaurant that just reopened,  but only Bast purchased the courses land.
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