Home Uncategorized Deerfield Beach Mayor Jean Robb implicated of ethics violations

Deerfield Beach Mayor Jean Robb implicated of ethics violations


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Florida- Mayor Jean Robb has been implicated in an ethics probe by Broward  County Office of Inspector General. The report accuses Mayor Robb of violating State, County and City ETHICS LAWS
Mayor Robb has retained Broward County Powerhouse Criminal lawyer David Bogenschutz.
The report says Mayor Jean Robb, who was also Mayor of Deerfield Beach from 1980-1993 and returned to city office in 2013,the Mayor is now 82
Apparently the

mayor met with a long time local car dealer Domani motors who was having Code Enforcement problems,Domani Motors is located at  the corner of Tenth Street and Dixie Highway. The Mayor apparently called  a City Inspector and told him Domani had just donated 500 dollars to charity and leave him alone.
Her High Powered  Criminal Defense Attorney had the following to say about the five supposed violations. Without going into a great deal of detail,” I can say she takes exception to all five of those suggested ethical issues,” Bogenschutz said.