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OUR TAKE-Burgess Hanson Stole Money And The Mayor Hid That Fact – Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-It is possible Governor DeSantis has not heard our screams that he needs to have the OIG and FDLE looking at the money that Hanson received and the mayor did nothing about. Someone between Tallahassee and Fort Lauderdale needs to be looking at this criminal behavior that took place in our city. Folks a little bit of time has passed but the stench of the corruption at Deerfield Beach city hall lingers.

So many resignations post-Burgess Hanson, you do not think those are coincidences, do you? Deerfield Beach suffers from many things from nepotism to improper sexual activities on city time to outright corruption it is time the State of Florida is examining.

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