Home City Of Deerfield Beach We The People of Deerfield Beach Oppose Storm Water Tax!

We The People of Deerfield Beach Oppose Storm Water Tax!


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Sent to Deerfield-News.com by -We The People of Deerfield Beach Inc.

We The People of Deerfield Beach Say-


The City of Deerfield Beach is on the verge of approving a new tax for the citizens called the Stormwater Tax. Everyone wants improved stormwater drainage, the question is if it is fair to expect the citizens to have to pay another tax for these improvements?

Deerfield Beach should spend readily available dollars to improve our infrastructure, stormwater and sewer system.  This BASIC SERVICE should be provided by our existing tax dollars and the CITY MUST prioritize funding for this from our $180 Million Dollar Budget.  At a city commission meeting approximately 2 years ago when asked  what the city had paid in stormwater & sewer repairs in the last fiscal year our Finance Director replied, “The cost of operations for a city of this size is approximately $2 million annually”.   Here are some items the city has been able to budget for lately:

  • Salary expenses for the CITY have increased by a total of 20%, which has resulted in an $4.2-million-dollar increase over the last two years. The CITY outsourced a profitable building department, yet full time employees have increased 11% from 2016. In 2017 alone, employee healthcare expenses increased $600,000!
  • Our CITY was able to find $2 million dollars out of the general reserve for debt servicing requirements for the CITY’S new $39 million bond offering – a new debt on We The People of Deerfield Beach!
  • Since our new Mayor has been in office, monies have been spent on new office furniture for the mayor, a new stone wall to enhance the dais for Commission Meetings, and $9,000 allocated to each commissioner for new computers. The Commission voted to increase their pay by 5% and yet reduced the amount of city commission meetings by 50%.
  • Lastly, our CITY has over $25 million dollars in reserve, the highest total ever in the history of Deerfield Beach!  We are only required to have $15 million in reserve. Use the Reserve Fund for Basic Services for Deerfield Beach infrastructure, stormwater and sewer system repairs.  Set up this separate Stormwater Fund with money you have, not another tax!! 

Remember the fire assessment fee (tax)? That started out at $58 per year and has now increased to $175 per year. Remember how in 2012 the City implemented the Public Service Tax which was supposed to significantly reduce our property tax millage rate? The citizens got the savings for two years and then the commission raised the rates right back up to where they were before the tax began. LETS NOT GET FOOLED AGAIN!!!!!

If you are outraged that the City is getting ready to implement another tax on We The People & feel the City should Set up a separate Stormwater Fund with money they already have, not another tax then please send an email to your commissioners or call City Hall at (954) 480-4200 & ask to speak to the Mayor.

District 1: [email protected]                District 2: [email protected]

District 3: [email protected]           District4: [email protected]


(Paid for by We The People Of Deerfield Beach, Inc.)