Home City Of Deerfield Beach Letter To The Editor- From Deerfield Beach Activist Patrick Jolivet

Letter To The Editor- From Deerfield Beach Activist Patrick Jolivet


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-

Dear Residents,
After eight years as a Commissioner and 10 months in office as Mayor all I have seen is an inundation of Drug Rehabs , Sober Homes, Methadone Clinics along Federal Highway and throughout the City all during Bill Ganz’s tenure as an elected official and now this is what I have to read!

Deerfield Beach High School


WORST 10 ON DRUGS & SEX OFFENSES: With about 38 percent of reports on drug use, the school had the 2nd highest percentage in Broward. Also, 29 percent of school’s reports were fights. The reports: 29 drug use, 22 fights, 1 weapons possession, 1 battery, 5 tobacco, 7 sex offenses & 1 sex harassment.

Deerfield Beach Middle School

WORST 10 ON DRUGS, FIGHTS & SEX OFFENSES: About 35 percent of the school’s reports were on fights and about 19 percent were on drug use. The reports: 24 drug use, 44 fights, 27 disruptions, 5 weapons possession, 2 battery, 11 threats, 7 sex offenses & 1 sex harassment.

I think its time for Bill Ganz to learn that the main engine for a City’s Economic Development centers around the ranking of its school system!

Before a family decides to move into a neighborhood, the first thing they ask is about the school system!

Before a Company decides to relocate its employees and move to another City, the first thing they ask is about the school system!

Based on this City’s track record over the past 10 years while Ganz held Public Office, what has he done to better this City?

High Millage rates
Low property values
Dilapidated Infrastructure
failing school system

Don’t you think its time that Ganz stops spending your tax Dollars on New Office Furniture, embarrassing signs on Federal Highway and fixing up City Hall and focuses on what’s important!

Its time to take the Nepotism, Cronyism and Scandal out of City Hall!



 Patrick Jolivet