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Breaking-BSO Fire Rescue Makes Dog Rescue From Deerfield Beach Canal During Irma See Video


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-BSO Fire Rescue PIO Mike Jachles reporting of a dog rescue in a Deerfield Beach canal.During Hurricane Irma Sept. 9, Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue crews from Deerfield Beach responded to a 9-1-1 call for a dog in a canal. It is unknown how the dog got into the canal, but it was frantically swimming and getting exhausted. A firefighter dove in to the canal and swam about 1,000 feet to reach the dog. As the firefighter reached the dog, the dog was about to go under. The firefighter attached a buoy vest around the dog, and it was pulled back to shore. The exhausted dog collapsed, and was tended to by firefighters and, after a short time, the dog came to. The lost dog was reunited with its grateful owner.